We offer vehicle tracking services that will make sure your employees are safe.
An online interface allows you to keep track of your vehicles and ensure your employee’s safety.
With fleet tracking systems you get live updates on vehicle routes and what state the engine is in, available on our Google or Navteq maps.
If vehicles pass Geofences or go over (or under) the speed limit, you will receive automatic notifications, alerting you to any training needed for your employees who could put people at danger on the road.
With the use of an online interface, you have access to a wide range of data which will help you evaluate your employees, your progress and customer service optimisation.
Mobile Phones
We pride ourselves on making
sure clients are making the
right choices when it comes
to mobile phone plans
Data Sims
Why not take a look at our
Data Sim plans, and start
saving money with the UK’s
biggest and fastest networks
Lone Worker Solutions
We have put together lone
worker solutions to fit any
incident whether its an accident
or dangerous environment
Get 24/7 on call technical
support and your own
bespoke coverage to fit
your requirements